In the framework of the participation of Le 18 Marrakech in documenta 15, we wanted to reflect on what an oasis would look like in Kassel. The workshop, OASE KASSEL was organised with Laila Hida (Le 18), Iswanto Hartono (ruangrupa, the colectif selected by documenta for the artistic direction of the 15th edition), Renée Tribble (head of the Urban Design Unit at Dortmund University) and Markus Ambach. Among the activities we developed during the 5 days, there was a presentation of what is an oasis and a conversation about the need of considering the oases as an urban development model in Kassel. Click on the picture for more information:
caravane tighmert: self-questioning /
Some times it is important to self-questioning, specially when talking on cultural activities we propose in the desert, without a pattern or model to follow, but building one with our own means. You will find some thoughts on how we are learning to decode the desert through artistic (or non artistic) researches and activities.
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caravane tighmert 2020. epilogues /
In December 2020 we organised the 6th edition of the artists gathering, Caravane Tighmert. After having postponed the original date ( in April), because of the pandemic, we decided to celebrate it after the fire that burnt a third of the oasis surface, as a signal of support for the inhabitants, even if only artists living in Morocco could participate.
I could not come to Morocco because borders were closed but after this special edition, we had a series of conversations with the 7 artists, talking about their experiences and their works, but also about many different subjects that use to interest participants (nomadism, agriculture, water irrigation, caravans…). We also dedicated some time to explain the stories behind some of the member of the team (Ghassan, Slama, Mohamed…).
à l'épreuve du tamis /
Next Thursday, the 20th February, Le 18 Marrakech presents a collective exhibition curated by Fatima-Zahra Lakrissa, À l’épreuve du tamis, with artists Mohamed Arejdal, Nassim Azarzar, Ihsane Boudrig M’barek Bouhchichi, Khadija El Abyad, Abdeljalil Saouli and the projects Caravane Tighmert and Festival International d’Art Indigène.
Graphic design: Nassim Azarzar
Text: Fatima-Zahra Lakrissa
As a part of Caravane Tighmert, there will be audio interviews, pictures, textes and drawings from the researches developed during 10 years in the desert that have been used by artists for their contemporary creations. This kind of archive is online through the following websites:
This is a parallel project of the 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair that will take place in Marrakech (20-23 February).

oued noun /
On September 26th and 27th I will participate in a workshop where we will discuss the possibilities of the bassin of river Noun in Guelmim (Morocco) to be classified as World Heritage Site. It is organised by the association Oasian Noun, the National Institut of Archaeology and Heritage (INSAP), the Ministry of Culture and the Academia of the Kingdom of Morocco.
This is the program:

retour de tighmert: épisode 1 marrakech /
Conversation qui a eu lieu au centre culturel LE 18 à Marrakech le 17 avril 2019, avec les artistes Mohamed Arejdal, M'Barek Bouhchichi, Laila Hida, Claudia Triozzi et l’architecte Carlos Perez Marin, ayant fait l'expérience de la résidence Caravane Tighmert dans le passé et qui répondent aux questions de la contemporanéité du désert et de la place de la culture contemporaine dans la société marocaine.
Par ailleurs des étudiants des écoles d'art de Tétouan (INBA) et Paris-Cergy (ENSAPC) ont parlé de leurs expériences après l’atelier une semaine que nous avons organisé à Tighmert dans le cadre de Caravane Tighmert 2019 et de leur restitution (dessins, vidéos, installations, photographies et performance) montrée ce soir même au 18.
caravane tighmert 2019 /
The 5th edition of Caravane Tighmert will take place next week in the oasis of Tighmert (Guelmim, Morocco), and it will have three parts, researches, visual and performing artists / music / art students from Tetouan (INBA) and Paris-Cergy (ENSAPC). These are the participants:
Khadija El Abyad, M’barek Bouhchichi, Lucia Citterio, Sarah Dornhof, Hanne Van Dyck, Said El Haddaji, Alexandra Kollárová, Marion Lécrivain, Manon de Matauco, Souad El Maysour, Btihal Remli, Lucie Sassiat and Jake Wiener.
Read Moreespacios desérticos y creación contemporánea /
Conferencia del pasado 12 de febrero 2019 en el Real Conservatorio Profesional de Danza “Mariemma” de Madrid sobre espacios desérticos y creación contemporánea, basado en nuestras experiencias en el desierto y especialmente con los proyectos Caravane Tighmert y Project Qafila.
talks and round tables in 2018 /
This year I had the chance to talk in Ceuta, Fez, Zagora, Bir Gandouz (Dakhla) and Marrakesh about Saharan caravans, architectural heritage, nomadism, territory and urban planning in the desert, water and contemporary culture. Thanks a lot to Aula permanente de formación abierta (Granada University), Takafes, Forum International des Oasis, Ministère de l’Aménagement (Morocco) and Le 18 for trusting me.
5ème forum international des oasis de zagora /
Voici quelques réflexions sur l'aménagement du territoire en régions oasiennes faites lors de ma participation au 5ème Forum International des oasis de Zagora
En français mais avec une introduction et un résumé de la part du modérateur (Mohamed Boussalh) en arabe.
oasis international forum, zagora (morocco) /
This week we will talk about regional planning in desert regions, considering the oasis but also the nomad territory.
It will be in the frame of the International Forum of the Oases that will take place in Zagora, Morocco, from the 24th to the 27th February.
culture strategy for guelmim oases /
Last week we handed a proposal over to authorities on contemporary culture in the oasis of Guelmim (made through Marsad Drâa and Caravane Tighmert). A program that authorities asked us at a meeting last July . It will take a few more weeks to know if they accept the challenge of bringing contemporary culture to those little paradises that are still the oases.
A big thank you to all the artists for trusting us and for their engagement in this adventure.
This culture strategy has four aims:
- to provide access to multidisciplinary artistic training for the oasis population.
- to develop a cultural network in the province (which will allow a better social cohesion).
- to encourage contemporary creation, based on oasis cultures.
- to promote contemporary oasis cultures at regional, national and international levels.
stratégie culturel oasis guelmim /
Pendant la 3ème édition de Caravane Tighmert en juillet denier, nous avons eu une réunion avec les autorités de la province de Guelmim. Ils ont exprimé leur besoin de développer des activités culturelles dans la province, spécialement dans les oasis car d'après eux, il n'y a pas vraiment une politique culturale, ni à Guelmim en particulier, ni au Maroc en général. Bien s'il y a des concerts en été dans toutes les villes, il s'agit, dans la plupart des cas, du divertissement et non pas de la promotion et de la création culturelle (au-delà de la musique). Pour ces raisons ils nous ont demandé de collaborer avec eux pour améliorer l’état de la culture dans la province, puisque selon eux, Tighmert est devenu la référence culturelle de Guelmim, les seuls à mener des activités de formation, de promotion et de création artistiques multidisciplinaires, traditionnelles et contemporaines, grâce notamment à Caravane Tighmert, sans oublier le Festival des Esclaves, les pionniers des festivals dans l’oasis.
Avec Marsad Drâa nous travaillons dans une stratégie culturelle pour les oasis de Guelmim et nous nous posons pas mal de questions avant commencer à proposer des actions:
Plus d'information: ici
épilogue caravane tighmert 2017 /
Chaque année nous aimons savoir l'avis des participants, voici l'épilogue de la troisième édition:
Pour plus d'information sur cette édition, vous trouverez toutes les photos et les vidéos sur le site:
Caravane Tighmert 2017
caravane tighmert 2015-2017 /
In two weeks we will have a new edition of Caravane Tighmert. This is a compilation of the activities we have done since 2015. Thanks to all the inhabitants of the oasis and the artist that have come during these years.
(Caravane Tighmert is parallel program we organise from Marsad Drâa with friends from Tighmert, Guelmim in the south of Morocco)